Man holding his forehead while having headache due to higher food prices from inflation

The Impact of Inflation on Your Purchasing Power


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. You feel it every time you shop—groceries cost a bit more, and your dollars don’t stretch as far as they […]

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Blue umbrella on top of other gray umbrellas on city background

Understanding Different Types of Insurance and Why You Need Them


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. Insurance acts as a safety net, safeguarding your finances when unexpected events strike. Whether it’s a medical emergency, a car […]

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Setting financial goals

The Importance of Setting Financial Goals and How to Achieve Them


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. Every journey begins with a destination in mind, and the road to financial security is no exception. Whether you aim […]

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Financial foundation

Building a Strong Financial Foundation: Steps to Take in Your 20s and 30s


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. Your financial habits in your 20s and 30s lay the groundwork for future stability and success. These early years are […]

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Using credit cards wisely

Credit Card Management: Tips for Using Credit Wisely and Avoiding Debt


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. Carrying a credit card feels like holding a double-edged sword — it offers convenience, potential rewards, and a way to […]

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Solving debts

E Transfer Loans: Tips For Solving Your Debts


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. begins to impact your credit score. The constant stress of managing repayments, dodging late fees, and the looming fear of […]

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Credit score scale

How to Build Credit History with Small Loans


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. Building a robust credit history is the cornerstone of financial freedom, yet many individuals face the challenge of starting from […]

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An auto mechanic fixing a car

Car Repair Loans


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. Facing unexpected car repairs can quickly turn a minor inconvenience into a significant financial hurdle. For many, the immediate thought […]

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Payday loan scam

How to Spot and Avoid Payday Loan Scams


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. As the cost of living soars, many Canadians find themselves leaning on payday lenders to bridge gaps in their strained […]

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Payday loan rates

Understanding Payday Loan Rates in Canada


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. There’s no telling what life can thrust in your direction. It could be a car accident, pipes bursting in your […]

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Emergency fund

Emergency Funds 101: Why It’s Crucial and How to Build Yours


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. The concept of emergency funds for financial health isn’t new. Being responsible money-wise involves setting aside some of your money […]

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Side hustle

The Power of A Side Hustle


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. Imagine turning your weekend hobby or that skill you’re known for into a thriving revenue stream. That’s the essence of […]

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Student loans

Do Student Loans Affect Credit Scores?


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. In Canada, individuals who are pursuing higher education may have the opportunity to apply for national student loans and provincial […]

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Navigating finances with your partner

Navigating Finances with Your Partner


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. Combining finances in a marriage can present challenges for many couples. According to a survey by Ramsey Solutions, financial disagreements […]

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Emergency loan

How to Get an Emergency Loan in Canada


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. Anything can happen, whether you have expensive dental bills, auto troubles, or appliance breaks in your kitchen. These unexpected emergencies […]

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Moving to a new apartment

What Is the Minimum Credit Score for Renting an Apartment in Canada?


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. Renting an apartment in Canada often depends on a good credit score. This score numerically represents an individual’s creditworthiness, ranging […]

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Short-term loan

7 Reasons To Get A Short-Term Loan In Canada


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. Type “online short-term loans Canada” into the Google machine, and you’ll be inundated with options for quick approvals and no […]

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Medical bills

Payday Loans and Emergency Medical Expenses: What to Do


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. Emergencies occur without warning. They’re sudden, disruptive, and have the potential to be life-changing. Financial emergencies, such as medical issues, […]

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A person counting some coins

The Difference Between Payday Loans and Cash Advances


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. At Loan Express, we understand you need quick financial solutions for unexpected emergencies and expenses. Loan Express is Canada’s trusted […]

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Students in class

Payday Loans for Students: Managing Finances While Studying


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. Students are put under a ton of stress. Whether it’s juggling their classwork and midterms or combating the financial stress […]

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No refusal payday loan

What is a ‘No Refusal’ Payday Loan?


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. A “no refusal” payday loan refers to a loan of up to $1,500 that does not require good credit or […]

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Secured loans vs unsecured loans

Secured Loans vs Unsecured Loans: Which is Better?


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. People seek out loans for various reasons, whether to pay off debts or help fund a family vacation. However, knowing […]

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Grocery shopping

Top 10 Grocery Budgeting Apps for Canadians in 2024


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. How Grocery Costs Can Affect Your Budget Inflation is affecting everyone right now – especially during weekly grocery shopping. While […]

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Budget travel

How To Budget While Traveling: 5 Tips To Help You Save Big


Loan Express does not require credit checks, decline a loan based off a credit check, nor do credit checks affect the minimum approved amount of the loan. The following article is purely for educational purposes. Traveling can be a fantastic experience, but it can also be expensive. The costs can add up quickly between flights, […]

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